My cleansing routine may seem a little bit different to what you are used to, but believe me that extra minute or so of gentle cleansing will reward you with a naturally gorgeous glow. Cleansing your skin is quite simply the most important step in your skincare routine. Gentle cleansing will ensure that dead skin cells, excess oil, dirt & makeup are removed. Your skin's natural oil (sebum) needs to flow freely onto your skin to perform its own natural moisturizing and healing action. If skin has not been cleansed effectively, your pores get blocked, the natural oil becomes trapped causing infection and breakouts to occur. If skin has not been well cleansed it does take on a dingy appearance with the development of blackheads, whiteheads & enlarged pores. On the other hand overzealous cleansing damages skin and causes sensitivity, dry patches and excess sebum production.
Cleansing Technique I divide cleansing into an am & pm routine. Your morning cleanse need not be too rigorous, you just simply need to remove any surface oils or excess product that may remain on your skin and ensure your skin is perfectly prepared for the day ahead. Be Kind To Yourself! Remember we aren't trying to recreate the opening scene from Mommie Dearest here, gentle is the key word! I am always shocked when new clients tell me of their cleansing routine be it harsh products or harsh action. Scrubs are for kitchen floors not gorgeous faces! Harsh treatment will only upset your skin, while a gentle soothing touch will ensure a fresh and fabulous glow! The aim of the cleanse is to gently remove any surface debris and free the pores to release their own natural moisturizer. Morning Cleanse Skin needs just a gentle cleanse in the morning, it certainly doesn't need to be overwhelmed by a myriad of irritating products. Step One Simply fill a basin with warm water and add 20 drops of Rose & Willow Skin Tincture. Swish & swirl this skin balancing blend into the water. Soak a clean, cotton flannel in the water, wring out and place the flannel over your face & neck for about 10 seconds. This simple step will warm up your skin, stimulate circulation and attract any skin debris to the flannel. Rinse & wring out the flannel. Step Two Fold the flannel into a small rectangle then covering one section of skin at a time gently press flannel into skin, roll and release. Repeat this action around face & neck. Finally splash face & neck for 30 seconds and pat your skin dry with a soft, fluffy towel (keep your own separate towel especially for skincare). DO NOT share a towel or use any old towel that's just hanging around! Make your cleansing routine a real ritual and a spirited start to the day. Allow your skin to rest for about 5 minutes before applying your SPF and make up. Evening Cleanse Your evening cleanse is absolutely essential to remove all the dirt & debris of the day. I don't care how tired you are (sorry I was a bit bossy then!) but if you do only one thing for your skin make it a thorough cleanse in the evening. Step One Place the clean, soft flannel in a basin of warm water. Warm the cleanser in the palm of your hand. Just taking the time to warm the Borage Cleansing Oil or Palmarosa Cleansing Balm makes the cleanse so much more effective. A warm product clings to the debris on your skin making your cleansing routine a lot more thorough. Step Two With the cleanser distributed evenly in your hands, sweep the cleanser upwards over your neck, jawline, sides of nose & forehead. Step Three Then sweep outwards towards temples and back down past cheekbones down to the centre of jaw. With a small circular action using the pads of your fingers work product into skin of face & neck. Step Four Use this same action around your eye area. Since you are using a gentle touch combined with a smooth and gentle cleanser, don't worry you will not drag or damage this delicate area at all. Using this simple, circular technique will ensure that your skin circulation is boosted, giving it a helping hand in eliminating its own dirt and debris that will clog pores. Step Five Once the cleanser has been gently massaged into skin, wring out the flannel and place over face & neck for about 10 seconds. This simple step will warm up your skin, stimulate circulation and attract any skin debris to the cloth. Rinse & wring out cloth. Fold cloth into a small rectangle then covering one section of skin at a time gently press cloth into skin, roll and release. Repeat this action around face & neck. Step Six Final Rinse - Fill basin with fresh, warm water and add 20 drops of Rose Skin Tonic. Swish & swirl this skin balancing blend into the water. Then proceed to splash face & neck for 30 seconds. This will ensure every little bit of debris & excess cleanser is removed. Rose Skin Tonic is a simple blend, which is a totally natural yet utterly effective skin ph balancer with a lovely antibacterial action. Step Seven Pat skin dry with a clean towel and wait about 5 minutes before applying your facial oil. Waiting just a few minutes before applying the next step of your skincare routine allows your skin to recover its natural balance, making it in the perfect state to receive the most nourishment from your facial oil.My cleansing routine may seem a little bit different to what you are used to, but believe me that extra minute or so of gentle cleansing will reward you with a naturally gorgeous glow. Cleansing your skin is quite simply the most important step in your skincare routine. Gentle cleansing will ensure that dead skin cells, excess oil, dirt & makeup are removed. Your skin's natural oil (sebum) needs to flow freely onto your skin to perform its own natural moisturizing and healing action. If skin has not been cleansed effectively, your pores get blocked, the natural oil becomes trapped causing infection and breakouts to occur. If skin has not been well cleansed it does take on a dingy appearance with the development of blackheads, whiteheads & enlarged pores. On the other hand overzealous cleansing damages skin and causes sensitivity, dry patches and excess sebum production. Cleansing Technique I divide cleansing into an am & pm routine. Your morning cleanse need not be too rigorous, you just simply need to remove any surface oils or excess product that may remain on your skin and ensure your skin is perfectly prepared for the day ahead. Be Kind To Yourself! Remember we aren't trying to recreate the opening scene from Mommie Dearest here, gentle is the key word! I am always shocked when new clients tell me of their cleansing routine be it harsh products or harsh action. Scrubs are for kitchen floors not gorgeous faces! Harsh treatment will only upset your skin, while a gentle soothing touch will ensure a fresh and fabulous glow! The aim of the cleanse is to gently remove any surface debris and free the pores to release their own natural moisturizer. Morning Cleanse Skin needs just a gentle cleanse in the morning, it certainly doesn't need to be overwhelmed by a myriad of irritating products. Step One Simply fill a basin with warm water and add 20 drops of Rose Skin Tonic. Swish & swirl this skin balancing blend into the water. Soak a clean, cotton flannel in the water, wring out and place the flannel over your face & neck for about 10 seconds. This simple step will warm up your skin, stimulate circulation and attract any skin debris to the flannel. Rinse & wring out the flannel. Step Two Fold the flannel into a small rectangle then covering one section of skin at a time gently press flannel into skin, roll and release. Repeat this action around face & neck. Finally splash face & neck for 30 seconds and pat your skin dry with a soft, fluffy towel (keep your own separate towel especially for skincare). DO NOT share a towel or use any old towel that's just hanging around! Make your cleansing routine a real ritual and a spirited start to the day. Allow your skin to rest for about 5 minutes before applying your SPF and make up. Evening Cleanse Your evening cleanse is absolutely essential to remove all the dirt & debris of the day. I don't care how tired you are (sorry I was a bit bossy then!) but if you do only one thing for your skin make it a thorough cleanse in the evening. Step One Place the clean, soft flannel in a basin of warm water. Warm the cleanser in the palm of your hand. Just taking the time to warm the Borage & Barberry Cleansing Oil or Palmarosa & Echinacea Cleansing Balm makes the cleanse so much more effective. A warm product clings to the debris on your skin making your cleansing routine a lot more thorough. Step Two With the cleanser distributed evenly in your hands, sweep the cleanser upwards over your neck, jawline, sides of nose & forehead. Step Three Then sweep outwards towards temples and back down past cheekbones down to the centre of jaw. With a small circular action using the pads of your fingers work product into skin of face & neck. Step Four Use this same action around your eye area. Since you are using a gentle touch combined with a smooth and gentle cleanser, don't worry you will not drag or damage this delicate area at all. Using this simple, circular technique will ensure that your skin circulation is boosted, giving it a helping hand in eliminating its own dirt and debris that will clog pores. Step Five Once the cleanser has been gently massaged into skin, wring out the flannel and place over face & neck for about 10 seconds. This simple step will warm up your skin, stimulate circulation and attract any skin debris to the cloth. Rinse & wring out cloth. Fold cloth into a small rectangle then covering one section of skin at a time gently press cloth into skin, roll and release. Repeat this action around face & neck. Step Six Final Rinse - Fill basin with fresh, warm water and add 20 drops of Rose Skin Tonic. Swish & swirl this skin balancing blend into the water. Then proceed to splash face & neck for 30 seconds. This will ensure every little bit of debris & excess cleanser is removed. Rose Skin Tonic is a simple blend, which is a totally natural yet utterly effective skin ph balancer with a lovely antibacterial action. Step Seven Pat skin dry with a clean towel and wait about 5 minutes before applying your facial oil. Waiting just a few minutes before applying the next step of your skincare routine allows your skin to recover its natural balance, making it in the perfect state to receive the most nourishment from your facial oil. Comments are closed.
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