I don't believe in the myth of "normal" skin. It's a wonderful marketing tool created with the purpose of keeping you chasing that elusive, line free, pore free, blemish free skin that really only appears on children! I actually believe that the basic skin type that each and every one of us shares is combination skin.
It's All About Balance
All skin is dry in some areas and oily in others; it's down to the distribution of your sebaceous glands, the stuff that produces sebum. Sebaceous glands aren't neatly and evenly distributed around your body; they are more abundant on the scalp, forehead, nose and sides of nose, while scarcer around the eyes, neck and outer cheek area. Treating this skin type doesn't have to be complicated at all. Skincare should be flexible anyway; you need to take into account your current lifestyle, environment and those pesky hormonal cycles. With a gentle skincare regime and an awareness of your skin you can head off any trouble before it starts.
Finding The Perfect Potion To Treat Your Skin
To find out which products are best suited to this skin type just click on Skin Type I/Combination.