As you know I am a bit of a pernickety pants when it comes to creating the best skincare possible but I'm even more of a pain in the posterior when it comes to things I simply don't approve of and things that I just don't and won't ever do. So allow me a moment to step up onto my soap box and proclaim loud and proud the very simple manifesto of Kate Logan Beauty.
No Animal Testing

Marvellous Miss Mabel (our Creative Director) insists on a zero tolerance to animal testing. So none of my blends (nor any of the ingredients used in them & that includes the essential oils) have ever been tested on animals. I am rather lucky to have a very happy and willing gang of customers, friends and family who are my human test dummies (dummies in the nicest sense of the word of course!).
Tell The Truth!

Now don't you just hate it when a product seems to promise you the world and all it leaves you with is a disgruntled feeling and an emptier bank account! I have blended my products to help soothe, calm and heal your skin, while giving you a rather gorgeous glow! My products will NOT make you look twenty years younger but they will make skin stronger and more resilient to all the horrid things your skin faces every day and as a result skin will be smoother, clearer, softer and really rather radiant!
100% Natural

Natural has to mean natural (if not, well that's just cheating!). I'm always reading ingredient listings on skincare products, I can't help it I'm really curious (and super annoying)! But it well and truly bugs me when I read the lovely description of the product then scan down the listing to find it contains not so lovely things like Xantham Gum, Perfume and other horrid and completely unnecessary ingredients. You will find a complete ingredient listing for every product on the website. I'm currently working on an A-Z of all the ingredients I use so you can get a better idea of where the come from and why I use them.
Essential Oil Safety

If there is one thing that really, really bugs me it's the plethora of products targeted at Mum's to be. It's a simple fact that during pregnancy you should take extra care in the products you use on your body as some essential oils and herbal ingredients aren't really suitable for you or baby. That's why I always tailor a product that is super gentle and absolutely perfect for baby and you!
No Palm and No Soy
It's super annoying when I read the ingredient listing of a natural skincare product and see Palm Oil listed. My heart really does sink when I see this as it really isn't that great an ingredient for your skin (it's just a SUPER schlocky moisturizer!) and it's even worse for the environment. Growing demand for this oil is causing huge areas of tropical rainforest in South East Asia (Indonesia in particular seems to bear the brunt of the demand for this oil) to be destroyed and replanted with this crop.
I'm also not a fan of Soy either. Though I freely admit that back in the day I did use Soy Wax in candle making (until I knew better!!!). Again this crop is causing real devastation to the Amazon rainforest (well over 12,000 square miles of lush rainforest have already been destroyed). But if that isn't bad enough consider the worrying effect it can have on the body. Soy contains isoflavones which the body converts to phytoestrogens (which are similar to estrogen). This can have a really negative effect on the body (everything from causing early puberty in children to increasing the frequency of low mood for those that suffer depression). Needless to say I completely avoid eating Soy, so why would I even consider putting it on my skin!
It's super annoying when I read the ingredient listing of a natural skincare product and see Palm Oil listed. My heart really does sink when I see this as it really isn't that great an ingredient for your skin (it's just a SUPER schlocky moisturizer!) and it's even worse for the environment. Growing demand for this oil is causing huge areas of tropical rainforest in South East Asia (Indonesia in particular seems to bear the brunt of the demand for this oil) to be destroyed and replanted with this crop.
I'm also not a fan of Soy either. Though I freely admit that back in the day I did use Soy Wax in candle making (until I knew better!!!). Again this crop is causing real devastation to the Amazon rainforest (well over 12,000 square miles of lush rainforest have already been destroyed). But if that isn't bad enough consider the worrying effect it can have on the body. Soy contains isoflavones which the body converts to phytoestrogens (which are similar to estrogen). This can have a really negative effect on the body (everything from causing early puberty in children to increasing the frequency of low mood for those that suffer depression). Needless to say I completely avoid eating Soy, so why would I even consider putting it on my skin!